Andrew Samuelson

Los Angeles, CA

I am experienced in optimization algorithms, simulation, statistical analysis, data analytics, data engineering, and software/web development. I am a consultant/data analyst/full stack software developer at Booz Allen Hamilton in Washington D.C., but physically located in Los Angeles, CA. I start a lot of projects in my free time that end up incomplete, but my goal with most projects is to come up with an interesting idea and use it as self-improvement by focusing on a single aspect of data science or software development that I want to hone or learn and grow on that aspect, even if the project never gets completed. Feel free to contact me anywhere listed. I am generally good at responding to messages quickly.


Data Analyst/Full Stack Software Developer/Data Engineer

Booz Allen Hamilton

I work to support government clients by integrating data in to hands-on dashboards that leverage modern data analytics techniques, allowing for better decision-making and process overviews. I've implemented deterministic and probabilistic models to match client needs, from model development to database querying on the backend and frontend integration. Additionally, I have worked on internal capabilities to increase the firm's technology capabilities. My clients have included Office of the Secretary of Defense and the United States Air Force.

August 2018 - Present

IT Consultant


I was the sole developer for an internal staffing software that Excella would use to determine the size of their bench, their staffing needs, and tracking their pipeline of current work. The project was written in Django and is currently in the process of being updated with a React frontend.

September 2017 - May 2018

Systems Engineering Intern

Booz Allen Hamilton

Worked on internal project to map the spread of infectious diseases in the developing world for the Summer Games in 2017. I built a webapp that utilized an IoT solution to connect mobile phones with the disease reporting application in areas lacking internet infrastructure. On top of all of this was a triple exponential smoothing algorithm (with optimized smoothing coefficients courtsey of a Nelder-Mead algorithm), to detect disease outbreak anomalies and generate reports to help governments act to prevent outbreaks from becoming epidemics.

June 2017 - August 2017

IT Consultant


My first project at Excella was updating the donations pages on the PeaceCorps website, primarily focused on transitioning their webpage from solely a Django application to a Django/Wagtail site. Additionally, I wrote scripts to process payments received and automatically update the database via a CRON job.

January 2017 - May 2017

Systems Intern


At BioMASON I helped to maintain day to day operations and created a wireless sensor monitoring system that would allow employees to query sensor data from all around the warehouse using ASP.NET framework, C# on the backend, and IIS7 to host over the local server.

June 2016 - July 2016

Personal Projects


Go/React App

GeoGuessr is a popular internet game where players are given a random spot on Google Street View and have to guess where on the map they are. GeoLearnr is a learning tool for the game GeoGuessr. The frontend is written in Functional React and the backend is written in Go. I worked primarily on the frontend, but collaborated with the backend developer to determine direction of the project, along with contributed minor updates to the Go code. GeoLearnr is primarily an exercise in information organization, as you have to capture what information is important about what country and how to generalize that to maximize the user experience.

September 2022 - Present

KJ Studio

Electron-Based Desktop App (Full Stack JS)

KJ Studio stands for Karaoke Jockey Studios. The idea for this app is that the user is able to be a karaoke jockey directly from the application. Future features will include uploading songs to convert to karaoke form (without lyrics), syncing up lyrics for songs, creating a mic in/out experience that mimics singing in a karaoke machine, and user community. This is a revival of a previous karaoke app project that has since been discontinued due to unreadable code and overall poor coding practices.

March 2019 - April 2019

Album Tracking Website

Django Website

My Django album website is meant to help me track what albums I have listened to, associate metadata with each album, then use Django queries to perform classification and time-series analysis. This website is very much still in development and needs some major UI overhaul.

August 2018 - Present

Spotify Apps

Django Website

The idea behind this application was to create a website where the user logs in to their Spotify account, then can create a "party playlist/queue". Essentially, an online room where people attending the same party can upload songs and then vote on whether or not they end up in the playlist. If the song gets enough votes, it is automatically added to the party playlist. From this, I had ideas for many more apps, including a visualizer, a playlist cleaner, an alarm clock, and more, but these never came to fruition. The biggest learning experience from this project for me was how to focus on organizing static folders in a multi-app Django project along with getting Django to interface with an API.

There is a chance I may revive this app at some point in the future, but for now, this app's development has been halted.

October 2017

Virginia Tech Course Scheduler

Python Script

Every semester, students at Virginia Tech are trying to decide what classes they want to take, which can be very hard. What makes the decision tougher is figuring out what time to take each class, so I created a script that would do it for me. Utilizing Selenium web-driver, this script asks the user for the name of each of their classes, scrapes each of the classes for all possible times, then uses combinatorics and matrix algebra to generate a list of all possible schedules. This application remains incomplete as it does not integrate a friendly UI for every day users and in many cases it provides way to many results without the help of sorting algorithms.

This project was my introduction to recursion, web-scraping, and UI.

There is a chance I may revive this app at some point in the future, utilizing the script in either a website or desktop application with a much friendlier UI.

October 2016 - January 2017

Unnamed Karaoke Application

Visual C# Desktop Application

Very similar in idea to the Electron app I have listed above. The original idea for this was that you can download a Youtube karaoke video and the program would just read the user's mic input and play it back to them at the same time it played the video. To this extent, I actually managed to release a working version of this. I could never figure out how to package the app and because I 100% taught myself C# in 2 weeks while working a full-time job, the code base is extremely messy and I had no idea what I was doing. A learning experience nonetheless.

This application was my introduction to programming in C#/self-teaching entire languages in short timeframes.

This application has a complete version, but is permanently discontinued because I don't have the time to refactor literally every line of this application.

June 2016 - July 2016


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)

Bachelor of Science
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Minor in Statistics

GPA: 3.35

August 2014 - May 2018

Lake Oswego High School

August 2010 - May 2014


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Integration & Unit Testing
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum
  • Validation & Verification Testing
  • Gitflow
  • Constantly Learning New Technologies

Other Technologies
  • AgGrid
  • AmCharts
  • ArcGIS
  • Aurelia
  • Electron
  • Flask
  • Flexbox
  • FusionCharts
  • Integer Programming
  • Lindo
  • Linear Programming
  • Machine Learning
  • Markovian Modeling
  • NoSQL Databases
  • R and R-Markup
  • RegEx
  • Simio
  • TaoCharts
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Wagtail
  • Webscraping



Apart from being a data analyst and web/software developer, I enjoy a lot of different types of art. I am constantly trying to discover music that is new to me and looking at photography from around the world. I actively play guitar and ukulele, along with having dabbled in playing the bass guitar, some keyboard, harmonica, and recorder. As for photography, I currently own a Canon Rebel T7i with a 18mm-135mm f/ 3.5 lens, a 50mm f/ 1.8 lens, and a 10mm-18mm f/ 4.5 lens.


In 2017, my New Year's Resolution was to listen to 144 (12x12) new albums every 3 months, giving me two months to listen to all the albums and one month to relisten to the albums I really liked and become more familiar with them. I succeeded, but I couldn't stop striving to listen to new music. I am now trying to catalogue all the music I have listened to in hopes of making recommendations for other avid music listeners and to test out some data analytics on something I'm extremely passionate about. To learn more about this project, visit my site or click the link in the navigation bar.

Music Production

Admist a global pandemic, I, like many others, flocked to find a new indoor hobby. Given my love for music, I started learning about music theory and production. Taking online lessons (thanks to the ever-so-talented Aaron Shadrow), I began working on making sample-based music, original music, and covers. I will hopefully have enough music to release a few EPs in the next few months.


Photography has always been another passion of mine. I really enjoy looking at beautiful landscape photos and surreal photo edits. Part of what sparked my interest was a genre of music known as vaporwave that had an entire aesthetic that was focused around 70s/80s/90s technology and fusion with nature, along with Roman-Grecco architecture, among other things. I'm now striving to create a collection of beautiful photos similar to what inspired me to buy my camera in the first place. I recently started shooting film, which feels more authetic to me because you get to relive your memories months later as opposed to reviewing the photo you just took.


One of my other big passions is food. I love eating food and experiencing it with friends. Growing up in Portland, OR I found myself enjoying food trucks and hole-in-the-wall dives around every corner. In the summer of 2017, I finally got around to eating at 2 Michelin Star Restaurants and it was quite an experience. On the other side of my food obsession, I have made it my goal to complete one food challenge that gets my photo on the wall in every US state. So far, I've completed 5 food challenges in 6 states (Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, Oregon, Illinois, California) and failed 3 challenges in 2 states (California and New York).

Awards & Certifications

  • Security Clearance (Details Available Upon Request)
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Silver Award - Collective Ingenuity - 2020
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Thank You Award - Passionate Service - 2020
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Thank You Award - Collective Ingenuity - 2020
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Gold Award - Champion's Heart - 2019
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Thank You Award - Passionate Service - 2019
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Silver Award - Champion's Heart - 2019
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Bronze Award - Passionate Service - 2019
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Thank You Award - Collective Ingenuity - 2018
  • Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
  • 1st Place - Oregon State Policy Debate Championship - 2014
  • 1st Place - Selfie Contest - Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Great Lakes Regional Conference 2018
  • 1st Place - TOTS Joke Contest - 2018